Add setup helper

rohhie 2023-05-28 14:46:57 +00:00
parent 9c83f0057a
commit e9af069d86
1 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions

99 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# このスクリプトはexpectコマンドを使用しています。
# インストールしてから使ってください。
# sudo apt -y install expect
expect <<EOF
set timeout -1
spawn ./
expect -re {\[sudo\] password for .*:} {
stty -echo
interact -u tty_spawn_id -o "\r" return
stty echo
expect -re {CA certificate filename \(or enter to create\)}
send \r
expect -re {Enter PEM pass phrase:}
send ${CAPASS}\r
expect -re {Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:}
send ${CAPASS}\r
expect -re {Country Name \(2 letter code\) \[JA\]:}
send \r
expect -re {State or Province Name \(full name\)}
send \r
expect -re {Locality Name \(eg, city\) \[Chiyoda\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Organization Name \(eg, company\) \[Example Networks Inc\.\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Organizational Unit Name \(eg, section\) \[\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Common Name \(e\.g\. server FQDN or YOUR name\) \[example\.net\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Email Address \[webmaster@example\.net\]:}
send \r
expect -re {A challenge password \[\]:}
send \r
expect -re {An optional company name \[\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Enter pass phrase for .*/cakey\.pem:}
send ${CAPASS}\r
expect -re {Enter PEM pass phrase:}
send ${SVPASS}\r
expect -re {Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:}
send ${SVPASS}\r
expect -re {Country Name \(2 letter code\) \[JA\]:}
send \r
expect -re {State or Province Name \(full name\) \[Tokyo\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Locality Name \(eg, city\) \[Chiyoda\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Organization Name \(eg, company\) \[Example Networks Inc\.\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Organizational Unit Name \(eg, section\) \[\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Common Name \(e\.g\. server FQDN or YOUR name\) \[example\.net\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Email Address \[webmaster@example\.net\]:}
send \r
expect -re {A challenge password \[\]:}
send \r
expect -re {An optional company name \[\]:}
send \r
expect -re {Enter pass phrase for .*/cakey\.pem:}
send ${CAPASS}\r
expect -re {Sign the certificate\? \[y/n\]:}
send y\r
expect -re {1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit\? \[y/n\]}
send y\r
expect -re {Enter pass phrase for newkey\.pem:}
send ${SVPASS}\r
expect -re {Enter passphrase \(empty for no passphrase\):}
send \r
expect -re {Enter same passphrase again:}
send \r
expect -re {Enter passphrase \(empty for no passphrase\):}
send \r
expect -re {Enter same passphrase again:}
send \r
expect -re {コピーが終わったらEnterキーを押してください。} {
interact -u tty_spawn_id -o "\r" return
expect -re {IPアドレス:} {
interact -u tty_spawn_id -o "\r" return
expect eof