#!/bin/bash ufw $1 allow to any port 53 proto any from any comment "DNS" ufw $1 allow to any port 135 proto tcp from any comment "End Point Mapper(WINS)" ufw $1 allow to any port 137 proto udp from any comment "NetBIOS Name Service" ufw $1 allow to any port 138 proto udp from any comment "NetBIOS Datagram" ufw $1 allow to any port 139 proto tcp from any comment "NetBIOS Session" ufw $1 allow to any port 445 proto tcp from any comment "SMB over TCP" ufw $1 allow to any port 389 proto any from any comment "LDAP" ufw $1 allow to any port 636 proto tcp from any comment "LDAPS" ufw $1 allow to any port 88 proto any from any comment "Kerberos" ufw $1 allow to any port 464 proto any from any comment "Kerberos kpasswd" ufw $1 allow to any port 3268 proto tcp from any comment "Global Catalog" ufw $1 allow to any port 3269 proto tcp from any comment "Global Catalog SSL" ufw $1 allow to any port 49152:49200 \ proto tcp from any comment "RPC The same value as SMB_RPC_PORTS." # for Primary ufw $1 allow to any port 873 proto tcp from any comment "rsync"